How Could I Forget You! A Creative Way to Remember Names and Faces
By Brent Sverdloff, with illustrations by Sarah Goodwin (August 2014)
ISBN: 978-0-615-98622-7 (paperback); priced at $18.95
General non-fiction, fully illustrated, 142 pages
Has your mind ever gone blank on a person’s name within seconds of being introduced? If you want to know why—and want to stop—this book is for you.
How Could I Forget You! is a colorful, professionally illustrated book that everyone from teens to seniors can relate to. It explains why we often remember many details about the people we meet but forget their names almost at once. Discover how to break names down into easy-to-grasp categories. Then, unleash the creative powers of your imagination to link the name to the face. Periodic review sections reinforce the names mastered thus far—no matter what their origin or perceived complexity.
To make the concepts more engaging, you will find playful references to poetry, song lyrics, elementary phonetics, cognitive psychology, and pop culture. The book also delves into thought-provoking research about the impact of digital culture on our already splintered attention spans. The lessons here leave no doubt that flexing your brain is as vital to well-being as proper diet, exercise, and rest.
See testimonials from journalists, neuroscientists, and other professionals, as well as excerpts from the book in media interviews. Enjoy perusing the book's extensive bibliography. Brent is also available for one-on-one coaching and group workshops, and occasionally runs free or low-cost public trainings.
How Could I Forget You! is available through Bookshop Santa Cruz for just $18.95. Order a copy today—for yourself or as a gift. It even doubles as an adult coloring book!
For personally inscribed copies or bulk orders, contact Brent directly.
photo courtesy of Sarah Goodwin
photo courtesy of Annie Galvin, 3 Fish Studios