One-on-One Memory Coaching
Would you like to stride confidently into a room, meet 30 new people, and remember their names hours, months, and even years afterward?
Do you need to memorize other material in order to reach your goals but don't know how to move forward?
Memory coaching can help you think more creatively, boost your confidence, make you more effective, and—most importantly—get you to achieve your personal and professional goals.
The In the Media page on this site offers free articles and radio and television interviews that will acquaint you with Brent's approach.
Here are the kinds of students who have benefited from Brent's memory training:
- Professionals whose business relies on remembering names and faces;
- Actors who need to master their lines;
- Medical and law students needing to memorize foreign language vocabulary and difficult words in English;
- Aspiring police officers and firefighters whose powers of observation and recall are put to the test in the academy;
- Presenters whose speeches would have more impact if delivered without notes;
- Ordinary people who simply want to develop their mental agility as part of an overall wellness plan;
- Students of history who need a handle on names, dates, places, and other facts and figures;
- Anyone who works with numbers and would save time by having product codes, credit card details, telephone numbers, prices, and similar information in their head.
Contact Brent today to see if memory coaching is right for you. You may also be able to take advantage of Brent's free or low-cost public workshops. Check the Events page to see if there's one near you.
See the extensive resources Brent draws from to produce results. Read testimonials about his book and his teaching.
photo courtesy of Mike Samson
photo courtesy of Sarah Goodwin